My Services
Post Rehab
Sports Injuries
Demands of Aging
Assessment forms an integral part of my approach to treating the whole body. This service is fundamental to ensuring my patients’ long-term health and wellness.
Treatment & Therapy
Patient-Centered Treatment
Pain Management
Manual Therapy
I take the time to understand the root of your problem in order to provide the best and most effective treatment. Through my years of experience, I’ve found that Treatment & Therapy is a crucial part of the recovery process.
Preventative Care
Teaching Safety Practices
Everyday Living Skills
Balance Training
I hear your story and take a detailed history. To that end, I create an individualized treatment plan including Preventative Care aimed at achieving the functional goals we set together.
Postural Training
Therapeutic Massage
Personalized Exercise Programs
I design personalized exercise programs and teach healthy life-long practices to keep you moving forward and stay pain-free. I can help with recommendations in many health and wellness related industries.
Common disorders
Anxiety disorder manifests in feelings of fear, dread, and uneasiness, accompanied by sweatiness, restlessness, tension, and rapid heartbeat.
While anxiety is a normal reaction to stress, people who suffer from anxiety disorder may find the physical and mental symptoms overwhelming to the extent that they can't manage their life day-to-day.
When should I call?
● Your anxiety affects your daily life.
● Your health is suffering from repeat anxiety attacks.
● You're unable to talk to your loved ones about your anxiety.
● You want to understand what causes your anxiety.
● You want to learn how to control your anxiety better.